2020 portraits
The portraits that make up this small gallery are
made in the last year.
Watercolors, oils or graphites, some are made in one go,
almost without resting. For others I have needed several days
or even an entire week. Sometimes I have started from several
photographs, which help me complete my visual understanding
of the person, and sometimes I have preferred to use some
own notes that I complete later with my own memory.
For years I have been making custom portraits. Too
I sometimes paint my own family. Lately i need
be doing a portrait almost all the time.
I am no longer interested only as pictorial or graphic exercises,
but as approximations to the compression itself
of the person portrayed.
Photographs or paintings, the portrait occupies, increasingly,
my interest when I travel and see new museums or when I visit
exhibitions. What is the photographer or painter looking for, why
they choose this frame, that light or this angle. Decisions
that I guess or just think I understand and help me
to focus and improve my own work.
Estefanía Moreno
February 2020

A good portrait is a painted biography. Anatole France

Mademoiselle Caroline Rivière, 1806
Oil on canvas, 70x100 cm
Ingres draws a contour line in his portraits and uses large flat masses of color, but without stylistic conflict for the viewer.
Very recognizable for the porcelain finish it gives to female skin.
Banquete de oficiales de la Guardia de San Jorge, 1627 (detalle)
Óleo sobre lienzo, 179x257,5 cm
Los retratos de Frans Hals están llenos de vida porque sabía perfectamente cuándo dejar de pintar. Por eso fue tan valorado por impresionista y expresionistas.
Más que cualquier otro artista de su época, establece un diálogo con sus personajes y los acerca al espectador.

Banquet of officers of the Guard of Saint George, 1627 (detail)
Oil on canvas, 179x257.5 cm
Frans Hals portraits are full of life because he knew perfectly well when to stop painting. That is why he was so valued by impressionists and expressionists.
More than any other artist of his time, he establishes a dialogue with his characters and brings them closer to the viewer.